Please join the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), the Greenprints initiative, the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and Regen Brisbane, for a FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP, that will share updates from the Doughnut Economy Action Lab.
Doughnut Economics, a concept developed by Kate Raworth, is now a global phenomenon, with people around the world using the framework for their cities and communities (
Our guest speaker Rob Shorter, is joining us live from the UK to provide:
- An introduction to the Doughnut Economy concept and principles;
- An introduction to the work of the Doughnut Economy Action Lab (DEAL);
- Examples of how people in other countries and communities are using the Doughnut Economy framework, and
- Examples of how to create a 'city portrait' using the Doughnut.
We'll then have ample time for questions and discussions, facilitated by Dr Michelle Maloney
Rob Shorter is based in the UK, and leads the Doughnut Economy Action Lab's (DEAL) work with communities of place and purpose that are drawing on the concepts of Doughnut Economics to respond to social and ecological crises. Rob is most interested in the ways in which everyone can contribute to reimagining the Economy, and as part of his Masters at Schumacher College, he created the Imagination Sundial, a framework for teachers, designers and facilitators to intentionally cultivate the collective imagination. At DEAL, Rob creates - and supports others to create - playful methods to engage with Doughnut Economics that invite people to think and relate in ways that open up new economic possibilities.