AELA contributes to the work of a range of international networks, forums and projects which work to build Earth centred law, governance and ethics. Please follow the links below for more information.

Earth Charter
AELA is an affiliate of the Earth Charter and promotes the adoption of, and adherence to, the Earth Charter across all aspects of our work. Read the Earth Charter at

The Ecological Citizen
The Ecological Citizen is a peer-reviewed, free-to-access journal that provides an international forum for inspiring and mobilising discussion with an Earth-centred perspective. It is published twice a year in association with Ecocentric Alliance.
AELA is a Friend of the Journal, and our National Convenor is on the Ecological Citizen Advisory Board.
Visit the Ecological Citizen website.

Ecological Law and Governance Association
ELGA is a global network of academics, professionals and institutions, promoting ecologically-based law and governance.
AELA is a member of ELGA and our National Convenor, Dr Michelle Maloney, is a member of the Steering Committee. AELA works to contribute to ELGA's governance, strategic development and hosting of events.
Read more about ELGA.
Read about the launch of ELGA in Italy in 2017, and about ELGA’s goals and strategies.

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) is a network of more than 80 civil society organisations and individuals around the world, advocating for legal recognition of the rights of nature. GARN is the founder of the International Rights of Nature Tribunal (see below).
AELA is a founding member of the Global Alliance and a member of the Executive Committee. AELA also participates in a range of Global Alliance international working groups.
Find more information about the work of the Global Alliance.
Read a summary of the ‘International Summit on the Rights of Nature’, held in Ecuador in January 2014.

Global Footprint Network
AELA is a Partner of the Global Footprint Network and an advocate for using the Ecological Footprint methodology to help us live within our ecological limits.
Read more about the Ecological Footprint Network.

International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature and Mother Earth
The International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature was created by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature in January 2014. The Tribunal has been created as a permanent tribunal and it will hear cases from around the world on an ongoing basis. The Tribunal provides a forum for justice for people from all around the world to give a voice to protest the destruction of the Earth - destruction that is often sanctioned by Governments and corporations. The Tribunal hears cases and makes recommendations about Earth's protection and restoration.
AELA is a founding member of the International Tribunal, assists with the hosting and management of Tribunal Hearings and is the founder of the Australian Chamber of the International Tribunal - the Peoples Tribunal for the Rights of Nature Australia.
Find more information about the International Rights of Nature Tribunal.

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
AELA's Board and National Convenor participate in IUCN activities through their membership of the IUCN's World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL), and by attending conferences and congresses hosted by the IUCN. More information can be found on the WCEL website.

UN Harmony with Nature Knowledge Network
In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted five resolutions on 'Harmony with Nature', as part of a paradigm shift towards creating Earth centred governance. The Harmony with Nature initiative is now a permanent project under the auspice of the UN. Discover more details about the Harmony with Nature initiative.
AELA is a member of and participant in the UN Harmony for Nature Knowledge Network.
Read a short opinion piece by our National Convenor about the Harmony with Nature Initiative.

Yes to Life, No to Mining - International Network
The YLNM Network works to support communities around the world who wish to stop destructive mining in their communities. Those communities who wish to say No to mining should be able to. This movement is of and for them, in recognition that when we say no to mining, we stand in solidarity with the planet, with precious ecosystems and with the future generations of all species.
Read more on the YLNM website.
Visit AELA's YLNM webpage, which features media releases and information about current solidarity campaigns.