May 18th – Workshop in Alice Springs

The Australian Earth Laws Alliance and the Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) hosted a morning workshop in Alice Springs on Saturday 18th may.  The event was supported by the  Environmental Defender’s Office Northern Territory (EDO NT) and the Law Society NT Public Purposes Trust.

For a copy of the workshop flyer and program, please click here.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide an introduction to Earth Jurisprudence and examine its meaning in the Northern Territory context. The workshop was highly interactive and included the following topics:

  • An introduction to elements of Earth jurisprudence including Rights of Nature, living within our ecological limits and cross-cultural perspectives
  • A panel discussion about how the Territory’s environmental laws compare to other Australian jurisdictions (Qld, NSW, Victoria)

Speakers included:

This workshop will be of interest to legal practitioners, academics, regulators, students and anyone interested in the future of environmental governance.


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