2019 Citizens’ Inquiry into the Health of the Darling River and Menindee Lakes, 19-29 March 2019, Western NSW

A special hearing of the Australian Peoples’ Tribunal for Community and Nature’s Rights


For full details about the Citizens' Inquiry, please visit the dedicated page on the Australian Peoples' Tribunal for Community and Nature's Rights website.

The Citizens’ Inquiry into the Health of the Darling River and Menindee Lakes will give communities a fair, unbiased forum to share their stories and evidence about what’s happening to the Darling River. They’ll also be able to make recommendations about what needs to happen to restore ecological and community wellbeing.

The Citizens’ Inquiry is an independent, non-government, civil society initiative, created and managed by community leaders, environmental and human rights lawyers and First Nations Elders, who are volunteering their time to support communities affected by the declining health of the Darling River and Menindee Lakes.

The Inquiry will run from 21 January to 30 April 2019, with public hearings being held from 19-29 March, in Mildura, Wentworth, Broken Hill, Menindee, Wilcannia, Bourke and Walgett.

All statements, testimonies and evidence provided by people along the Darling River and Menindee Lakes, will be collated by the Citizens’ Inquiry and made publicly available on the Inquiry website.  The evidence will also be used to write a major report with recommendations based on community created solutions.  All Inquiry evidence and reports will be submitted to the Federal, NSW, Vic, Qld and SA Governments, international and national stakeholders and international and national media outlets.

For more information please visit our dedicated Australian Peoples' Tribunal website.