2019 archive

Lake Erie Bill of Rights Passes With 61% of the Vote

In a special municipal election yesterday, citizens in Toledo, Ohio, USA, passed the Lake Erie Bill of Rights, which establishes that Lake Erie, and the Lake Erie watershed, possesses "the right to exist, flourish, and naturally evolve". It further states …

The White Earth Band of Ojibwe Legally Recognized the Rights of Wild Rice. Here’s Why

Manoomin (“wild rice”) now has legal rights. At the close of 2018, the White Earth band of Ojibwe passed a law formally recognizing the Rights of Manoomin. According to a resolution, these rights were recognized because “it has become necessary

2019 Citizens’ Inquiry into the Health of the Darling River and Menindee Lakes, 19-29 March 2019, Western NSW

A special hearing of the Australian Peoples’ Tribunal for Community and Nature’s Rights


For full details about the Citizens' Inquiry, please visit the dedicated page on the Australian Peoples' Tribunal for Community and Nature's Rights website.

The Citizens’ …

Rights of Nature arguments help stop a dolphinarium being built in Quito, Ecuador

Last week, Ecuador’s government said NO to a dolphinarium project that had been proposed for Salinas, a coastal Ecuadorian city. The Ecuadorian Animal Movement (MAN) challenged a Venezuelan corporation proposing to build the dolphinarium and import bottle nosed dolphins, which …

Blue Mountains Greens candidate supports rights of humans and nature

Human rights lawyer, engineer and businessman Kingsley Liu has been announced as the Greens candidate for the state seat of Blue Mountains.

The Katoomba grandfather said that human rights and the rights of nature are his two great passions. “We …

Recognizing the rights of nature

Toledo, Ohio --

AELA's National Convenor, Dr Michelle Maloney, was invited to write a short piece about the Rights of Nature, for US local publication, the Toledo Blade. Michelle's piece is in support of Rights of Nature initiatives around the …

East Gippsland New Economy and Bioregional Governance Events, April 2019, Lake Tyers, Victoria

In April, AELA will be hosting a two day workshop in East Gippsland, focussing on bioregional governance and the GreenPrints project, and we'll also be participating in the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) Regional Symposium in East Gippsland on …

Building Earth Ethics in Australia: Pathways and Challenges, 28-29 November, Melbourne

Join us for a thought-provoking two-day conference that will bring people together from a range of fields - including earth ethics, environmental education, Indigenous knowledge systems, environmental psychology, deep ecology, arts, law, science, business, religion and eco-spirituality - to address …

AELA Earth Arts 2020

Stygofauna Nests - Jude Roberts & Helen Hardess

In 2020, the Earth Arts Collective will be hosting workshops, talks and discussions, and preparing for our biennial Rights of Nature arts exhibitions and events - Voices of Nature 2020. To stay up to date with developments, please sign