The Australian Peoples’ Tribunal (APT) for Community and Nature’s Rights is a unique forum for ecological and social justice in Australia. It has been created as a permanent civil society institution to enable people to share their concerns about the destruction of the environment, articulate their vision for ecological justice and law reform, and work collectively to develop their ideas for building a socially just, Earth centred society.
The APT aims to respond to situations where the current Australian legal system is perceived as failing to support community and nature’s rights.
The APT holds Public Inquiries and hears Ecological Justice Cases, brought on behalf of flora, fauna, ecosystems, bioregions and local communities around Australia.
As a ‘citizens’ tribunal’ the APT is not a government endorsed activity nor do any of its activities, decisions or recommendations have the force of government-sanctioned law. The APT is independent, managed by volunteers and brings people together to speak out for justice. The APT provides an educative and culturally transformative forum in which to present a positive, alternative process to address environmental justice and Caring for Country.
The APT Panel is made up of First Nations Peoples, lawyers, community representatives and eminent scientists. It hears Inquiries and Cases, and makes recommendations for restorative justice, innovative law reform and socio-political reforms that will Care for Country and protect Community and Nature’s Rights.
For more information please visit our dedicated Australian Peoples' Tribunal website.